SFPS will launch Test to Stay, a modified quarantine program, on Monday, December 6th. The program prioritizes a student's in-person learning despite having a COVID-19 exposure. When students are exposed at school, parents will have the option to participate in the Test-to Stay program or choose for their child to quarantine at home. The unvaccinated close contact will receive a rapid COVID test at the school site on days one, three and five following exposure, although additional days can be added. As long as tests are negative and the individual is asymptomatic, he or she may stay in school. The program is only for those who have been exposed in the school setting, which includes school grounds, transportation and school-sponsored activities, and are asymptomatic. Those exposed out of school are not eligible to participate. The process time for each test is about 15 minutes. Parents or guardians register for Test to Stay, which includes a consent form.

SFPS starts Test to Stay on December 6th
December 3, 2021