REMINDER!: no school tomorrow, Monday September 2, in observance of Labor Day! See you all on Tuesday!
5 months ago, Amber Schneider
🌟🎒 Kick Off the School Year with Diabetes Club! 🎒🌟 We’re excited to invite all students with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, along with their families and friends, to our Back to School Meeting on September 26th! 📅✨ Join us for a day packed with fun and exciting activities: 🧗‍♂️ Ropes Course Adventure 🔥 Bonfire 🍔 Cookout It’s the perfect chance to connect with others, enjoy some outdoor fun, and get ready for the school year ahead. Don’t miss this opportunity to build friendships and make unforgettable memories!
5 months ago, Tara Melton
Diabetes club
Diabetes club
Happy FriYAY! We are so excited to announce our Annual Movie Night! Join us at 6PM Friday Sept. 13th out on the field for an evening Panther community fun! Movie decision to be announced soon!
5 months ago, Amber Schneider
movie night!
We had a great first full week of school with your students! From practicing expectations & routines to getting to know each other ice breaker activities & even diving into academic studies, we saw excitement & success in every classroom! What a wonderful first week! Looking forward to what comes next!
5 months ago, Amber Schneider
rug time
What students do both inside and outside of the classroom impacts their educational success. When students participate in activities outside the classroom, such as clubs, sports or school events, they develop a sense of belonging and community. Check out this week's SFPS Bulletin at and the perspective of Lucas Robbins, a senior at Mandela International Magnet School and student member of the SFPS Board of Education, as he discusses student engagement!
5 months ago, Ruth Williams
Student involvement improves the school experience
Registration for Santa Fe High's Volleyball Camp, for 1st-6th graders, is open! To sign up, visit:
8 months ago, Tara Melton
SFHS Volleyball Camp
Partners in Education (PiE) awarded Teachers Who Inspire awards to six outstanding SFPS teachers from May 3rd-15th, with each teacher receiving $1,500. Join us in celebrating their love of learning and classroom leadership! Read more:
8 months ago, Tara Melton
PiE awards
📚🌞 SFPS students can read high-interest ebooks and audiobooks on Sora all summer long! 🌞📚 Sora is available through ClassLink on student Chromebooks, or you can download the Sora app for free to any device from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or The SFPS Sora collection features ebooks and audiobooks for all grade levels and reading levels, K-12, including books in Spanish. To use Sora, students should choose Santa Fe Public Schools as their school, and no other username or password is necessary. Keep reading, exploring, and growing this summer, students!
8 months ago, Tara Melton
Join us tonight at 5PM for Artsapalooza 2024! We can't wait to see you there!
8 months ago, Amber Schneider
Today, Channel 7 meteorologist Byron Morton visited our 3rd graders! We'll be on the news tonight!
8 months ago, Amber Schneider
Set your student(s) up for success with this FREE summer reading program! For more information, contact Michelle Korbakes at or 575-491-5773.
9 months ago, Tara Melton
literacy program flyer
1st - 8th graders can immerse themselves into Spanish culture and language this summer during Spanish Splash! Sign up today:
9 months ago, Tara Melton
spanish splash
spanish splash
Twenty-five programs will be offered at 13 sites, with breakfast and lunch included. Offerings range from Math Adventure Camp, to Go Kart Camp, to Rock Camp, to Spanish Splash, to credit recovery. Just added - reading camp! View all camps offered here: Sign up:
9 months ago, Tara Melton
summer programs
Twenty-five programs will be offered at 13 sites, with breakfast and lunch included. Offerings range from Math Adventure Camp, to Go Kart Camp, to Rock Camp, to Spanish Splash, to credit recovery. Just added - reading camp! View all programs & sign up here:
9 months ago, Tara Melton
Summer Programs
To all the educators shaping minds and changing lives: thank you for your unwavering dedication, your boundless passion, and your relentless commitment to excellence. You are the true heroes of education, and your impact will be felt for generations to come. 🌟🍎 #TeacherAppreciationWeek #ThankATeacher #Gratitude #EducationMatters
9 months ago, Tara Melton
Teacher Appreciation Week
To all the educators shaping minds and changing lives: thank you for your unwavering dedication, your boundless passion, and your relentless commitment to excellence. You are the true heroes of education, and your impact will be felt for generations to come. 🌟🍎 #TeacherAppreciationWeek #ThankATeacher #Gratitude #EducationMatters
9 months ago, Tara Melton
Teacher Appreciation Week
You've been waiting patiently and it's finally here: the 20th Annual Panther Run photo dump!!! We had such a great time last Friday and we want to thank all of our amazing WGE community members for their dedication to creating a wonderful, memorable event!
9 months ago, Amber Schneider
runner 1
runner 2
runner 3
celebrate 1
runner 4
celebrate 2
celebrate 3
first grade
runner 5
For a third year, SFPS is offering innovative, free summer programming across the district in June and July. "We're looking forward to once again offering a multitude of exciting opportunities for students to stay engaged with their learning and have fun!" said Superintendent Hilario "Larry" Chavez. Twenty-five programs will be offered at 13 sites, with breakfast and lunch included. Offerings range from Math Adventure Camp, to Go Kart Camp, to Rock Camp, to Spanish Splash, to credit recovery. Read more & register your child:
9 months ago, Tara Melton
SFPS Summer Programs
Today's the day! The 20th annual Panther Run will begin with stretches at 8:30! Parents/families, please remain in the family section so that the track remains clear for runners! We can't wait to get started!
9 months ago, Amber Schneider
Honor an educator or educational support professional (ESP) now for their dedication and contributions to the students of the Santa Fe Public Schools! Nominations have been EXTENDED to Monday, APRIL 22. Students, parents, teachers, secretaries, principals, community members, and any other stakeholder may nominate a classroom teacher and/or ESP for this honor by completing a paper nomination form at SFPS Central Office, 610 Alta Vista or online:
9 months ago, Tara Melton
teacher awarded